A few days ago I made a post about soccer books which you can find here. So to build upon that I figured I'd also review some soccer movies too. These reviews will include both films and documentaries. So this review will start with two very good soccer documentaries.
So without further ado I present the first movie!
The Two Escobars
The Two Escobars was a part of ESPN's 30 for 30 series. This movie tells of the story of both Pablo and Andre Escobar (not related) and they influence they had on Colombian soccer. On one side Pablo Escobar, though his drug trade, pumped millions of dollars into Colombian soccer improving their team to be one of the best in the world. He funded fields to be made in the poorest areas in the country, which was where their best players usually came from. On the other hand Andre Escobar was a defender on the Colombian national team. He was said he be a very kind and good hearted individual that loved both his country and sport. In the 1994 World Cup which took place in the U.S., Andre accidentally scored an own goal against the U.S. trying to clear the ball away on a cross. Colombia was soon knocked out which was a huge disappointment to the country and a shock to the world and the blame fell upon his shoulders. Eventually when Andre returned to his home country he felt he should show his face in public and face the people himself. Unfortunately one night at a night club he got in a scuffle with two drug dealers who ultimately ended up shooting and killing Andre.
This documentary tells the whole story with interviews and unseen footage from all the players involved. I found myself glued to the TV watching this unable to pick up the phone or answer any texts, it's THAT good. The movie masterfully done and incredibly powerful tragedy which ANY sports fan should see.
10/10 Amazon link for the movie
Pelada tells the story of a very different side of the game of soccer. Starring Luke Boughen, Rebekah Fergusson Pelada focuses on the aspect of pick-up soccer around the world. They travel to twenty five countries including Brazil, Argentina, Bolivia, France, Iran, Isreal, China, Japan, and Kenya. In every country they find new people to play pickup games with as they share and discuss the universal love of the game. From playing in a prison in Bolivia to playing on top of a skyscraper in Tokyo, Pelada really captures why people fall in love with this game and continue to play even if their career will never have anything to do with the sport.
Definitely give this one a watch too, for American readers you can watch this on Netflix or if you are an Amazon Prime member you can stream it from there.
9/10 Amazon link for movie Link to the movie's website
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